Symptoms usually derive from malformation growth or progression. Once symptoms occur, they rarely abate without intervention.
Symptoms can include, but are not limited to, the following:
Skin Discoloration
Decreased Range of Motion
Treatment Course
Evaluation and treatment of the lymphatic malformation every 4-6 weeks or sooner if indicated by Dr. Yakes.
Patient may qualify for multiple procedures a week if requested by Dr. Yakes.
MRI every 6-12 months based on the extent of the lymphatic malformation for evaluation and treatment progress.
Referral to plastic/vascular surgeon following "cure" of malformation. An MRI 3-6 months post embolization will be needed for clearance by Dr. Yakes for debulking surgery.
How to Diagnose
Diagnosis is commonly made with a form of radiology imaging combined with a clinical assessment.
Radiology imaging can include:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
This is the gold standard
On initial treatment only:
Venogram (Mapping of the Veins)
Rules out venous involvement
Arteriogram (Mapping of the Arteries)
Rules out arterial involvement
Possible Complications of Treatment
Tissue Injury
Open Wounds
Nerve Injury Due to Swelling
99% improves when swelling resolves
1% nerve damage will be permanent
Blood Clot
Very Rare
Complications will be thoroughly discussed during formal consultation with medical staff as they may differ based on anatomical location.
How We Treat
Ethanol Embolization
Dr. Yakes will inject ethanol using direct puncture techniques into the lymphatic malformation.
Ethanol is a powerful sclerosing agent that denatures blood proteins and destroys the endothelial cells in the vessel wall effectively destroying the abnormal vascular mass and preventing its ability to regenerate.
Ethanol is the only curative method for treating lymphatic malformations
All embolizations, venograms, and arteriograms are done under general anesthesia.
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